OLF-8 Master Plan: Update

Since the adoption of the OLF-8 Hybrid Compromise Plan, the design team and County staff have been hard at work putting the plan elements into a code of ordinances to be adopted by the County Commission. 

As this process moves forward to a close, here is the current, tentative timeline for the final adoption of the plan:

September 7, 2021 

The Planning Board will hold a workshop for a final review of the Master Plan elements, design code, and planning documents for OLF-8. In addition, the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity is expected to approve the Future Land Use (FLU) Map on or around September 8, 2021. Should there be no major changes or amendments, the Master Plan will move to the next step. 

October 5, 2021 

Ordinance language for the Master Plan will go to the Planning Board for review and recommendation to the County Commission. Once approved by the Planning Board, the entire package of documents (DEO-approved FLU Map, Zoning, Planning, and Design elements) will move forward to the Board of County Commissioners for consideration. 

October 7, 2021

The Board of County Commissioners will hold the first of two public hearings for the OLF-8 Master Plan. The different legislative elements of the Master Plan will be contained in a series of documents, each of which will require a vote by the BCC for approval. 

October 21, 2021

Second of two public hearings/meetings on the Master Plan elements. Once all parts of the Master Plan receive two public hearings and two affirmative votes by the BCC, the Master Plan will be officially adopted. 

As always, if there are significant edits, amendments, or other delays to this process, the timeline for approval may change. Check back here or at the MyEscambia Project Page to stay updated.