The OLF-8 site is located in Beulah, but it is a project in which every citizen of Escambia County has a stake. Your voice is important, and we have several ways for you to participate in the Master Plan Process.
Evening presentations focus on the broader aspects of the Master Plan, and will be more educational and informational, while still retaining time for questions and answers.
Topic-focused meetings are specific to certain aspects of the Master Plan, and will be smaller and more interactive with the project team.
Review the options below, and click the link to reserve your spot for any that interest you!
Evening Presentations
(Click here to register for these presentations. You only have to register for one, and we’ll automatically include you in the others)

Evening Presentation: Charette Kickoff – October 13
Wonder why the OLF8 site is being developed, and who was hired to do the planning proposals and zoning? In this presentation, Marina Khoury of DPZ CoDesign will present a summary of the technical and economic analysis work to date. She will be supported by Peter Bazelli of Weitzman Associates, Joe Minicozzi of Urban 3, Georgio Tachiev of GIT, and Meritxell Font of Nelson Nygaard.
Evening Presentation: Mid-Charette Update – October 15
Curious to see preliminary designs for the OLF site? Want an opportunity to provide direction and meaningful feedback on the specific design proposals? In this presentation, Marina Khoury of DPZ CoDesign will present preliminary master plan proposals, with their general programs and supporting diagrams. She will again be supported by Peter Bazelli of Weitzman Associates, Joe Minicozzi of Urban 3, Georgio Tachiev of GIT, and Meritxell Font of Nelson Nygaard.
Evening Presentation: End-of-Charette Update – October 22
Come see the charrette results for the different master plan designs for the OLF site and how your feedback ultimately helped shape the proposals? In this presentation, Marina Khoury of DPZ CoDesign will summarize the stakeholder feedback and present all the work completed over the course of the charrette. She will again be supported by Peter Bazelli of Weitzman Associates, Joe Minicozzi of Urban 3, Georgio Tachiev of GIT, and Meritxell Font of Nelson Nygaard.
NOTE: The “End-of-Charette Update” does not mean the design process is over. Following the charette, the various master plan proposals will be publicized and further analyzed for technical and economic viability. These options and their impacts will be presented to the County Commission in November to determine a selected master plan preference.
Jeff Speck: What Could Walkability Mean for Beulah? – October 14
In his books, TED talks, and town planning practice, Jeff Speck views community design through the window of “walkability.” What does walkability mean in a rural or suburban American context, and how can the principles of walkability be applied to enhance the future of Beulah?
Jeff Speck: Why We Plan, and Why We Are Planning Beulah. – October 21
Some conversations surrounding the OLF8 process question why a plan of this nature is necessary. Certainly, the history of American planning suggests that our faith in that profession might be misplaced. Why should we have confidence that our current efforts will yield a better outcome than business as usual?
Topic-Focused Seminars
(Click the title of each seminar to register.)

October 13
Topic: Economics of Development – 10:30 am
What type of development is best for the community? Joe Minicozzi of Urban3 will explain the financial returns of various types of development through their unique visual modeling of land productivity. This session will be helpful to citizens, investors, developers, and policymakers interested in understanding the options for “return on investment” of the OLF-8 site.
Topic: RESTORE and Triumph Gulf Coast Funding – 12:00 pm
Plans for job creation at OLF-8 have often referenced the RESTORE Act or using Triumph Funds to support those job investments. Join Escambia County’s RESTORE Program Manager, Matt Posner, for an overview of these two oil-spill related funding sources, and how those factor into the future plans of OLF-8.
Topic: Marketability and Jobs – 1:00 pm
Job creation at the OLF-8 site is a hot topic right now. Peter Bazelli of Weitzman Associates will share his research on the market demand for diverse land uses at OLF-8, and how to increase the likelihood that those uses translate into high-paying jobs. Join this session to learn more about what types of developments – including commerce parks, office space, residential options, and retail development – are most likely to succeed on OLF-8.
October 14
Topic: Land Use and Zoning – 10:30 am
Ever wonder how some things were ever allowed to be built? That’s zoning. In this session, Marina Khoury of DPZ CoDesign will lead a discussion on the proposed zoning and future land use (FLU) categories for OLF-8. Your participation can help chart the course for the specific type of development that will (and will not) be allowed on this site and what types of regulations are needed to ensure that the preferred master plan vision can be upheld.
Topic: Community Needs – 1:00 pm
What do YOU need or want at OLF-8? The residential growth of Beulah is outpacing the community, civic, and recreational opportunities available to citizens there. Join the DPZ team to share your thoughts on the next steps and missing pieces to ensure Beulah’s bright and prosperous future.
October 15
Topic: Transportation & Infrastructure – 10:30 am
Beulah’s four-letter word? TRAFFIC. During this session, Meritxell Font of NelsonNygaard will walk participants through the twists and turns of traffic and infrastructure on OLF-8. And more importantly, how a smart plan for more development on OLF-8 can actually mean less traffic congestion! Additionally, Georgio Tachiev of GIT Consulting will lay out best practices for green infrastructure.
Sign up today! The OLF-8 Master Plan will be a success only if you participate!