The Escambia County Board of County Commissioners has identified the following goals for the OLF-8 master plan project.
- The master planner will determine and balance the highest and best economic use for the property with uses that enhance the quality of life for those who live or work in Beulah, while maximizing the creation of jobs with wages higher than the Escambia County median income. All uses compatible with the surrounding community are to be considered including the potential for public uses (School, Post Office, Fire Station).
- The master plan should: establish a vision for OLF 8; provide ample opportunities for stakeholder engagement; analyze the commercial and residential markets and identify needs and opportunities; complete a site-specific development opportunity analysis; recommend and prioritize strategies and projects for place-making and public spaces; provide initial wayfinding signage recommendations; recommend strategies for addressing parking needs; and provide a plan for implementing recommendations.
- The 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill led to passage of the RESTORE Act in 2012. The Act dedicates 80 percent of all Clean Water Act penalties related to the spill to the Gulf CoastRestoration Trust Fund. The Escambia County Board of County Commissioners selected the OLF8 Master Plan as one of ten initial projects to fund with Escambia County’s RESTORE Direct Component (Pot 1) allocation.
- The OLF8 Master Plan shall be consistent with Escambia County’s RESTORE Direct Component Multi-Year Implementation Plan (MYIP) and Treasury Grant Application(awaiting approval). The plan shall not prejudice the RESTORE Act and all applicable rules and laws. For more information on Escambia County’s Direct Component projects please visit here.
- Regarding the Triumph Gulf Coast grant, the planner shall fully consider the BCC’s pre-application to Triumph Gulf Coast whereby the county may win a significant monetary award approaching $30 Million dollars if the goal of creating a minimum of 1,000 good-paying jobs is achieved utilizing this property.
- Community goals and topics under discussion include alleviating traffic, greater street connectivity, a second elementary school, a local high school or smaller magnet high school, replacing the dilapidated fire station with no shower, a police substation, a library, a post office, a community center, a multipurpose government building that combines many uses, an outdoor concert venue, walking trails and sidewalks and a medical clinic.
These goals are what the project will be judged against. During the second phase of the project (Stage 2), as the master plan is developed these goals will be tested and illustrated more clearly.