Sept. 2020: Charrette

DPZ will assemble the entire team for a dynamic charrette, with frequent presentations, interactive topical work sessions and intensive design sessions.  The charrette will be held over a minimum of  5 days to encourage the participation of a broad segment of Escambia County residents, officials and others. Stakeholders will be invited to attend an opening, mid-charrette and closing presentation, and to participate in programmed sessions designed to provide opportunities to view and comment on the master plan drawings as progress is made. The Charrette would typically be conducted in a studio space, conveniently situated in Escambia County.  Given the impact of COVID-19, a virtual charrette may be considered.  While different a virtual charrette can similarly be an engaging event, and include a variety of interactive video meetings, online surveys, and visual communication technology.  Such tools are already routinely used by DPZ to supplement traditional in-person methods of engagement.